Economic Growth
Rochester is at a critical point in its economic history. In the past, Downtown Rochester was the retail anchor of our entire region; commercial areas and small businesses that provided consumer goods and services were scattered throughout the city in vibrant, mixed-use small business districts. The decline of local industrial giants, macroeconomic shifts that are changing the way in which our country consumes goods and services, and decades of population decline and job sprawl have left our downtown and neighborhood business corridors with fewer people and businesses than they had in the past. Some neighborhood business corridors are still healthy, but many others are struggling to maintain or re-develop their market base as people, jobs, and retail have moved to the suburbs. This Section explores strategies to address these challenges.

Workforce Development
Increasing employment and raising incomes of residents in the workforce are top priorities for the City of Rochester. Unemployment and underemployment have negative impacts to individuals as well as an entire community. Conversely, high-quality jobs lead to financial stability, high educational attainment, low crime, and increased health and well-being of residents. This Section outlines strategies for increasing the number of and access to quality lasting jobs in the community. Rochester’s workforce must be ready to innovate, create, and participate in a competitive economy.

Tourism is an important industry in cities, as it is an economic driver and is reflective of civic pride. Rochester is home to many unique spaces, events, and buildings, making it a center of culture that attracts thousands of visitors from around the region and the world. This Section examines the ways in which we can strengthen this sector of our economy, bolstering community pride and attracting investment.

City + Neighborhood Promotion
Promoting the City of Rochester to local, regional, national, and international audiences is one of the primary purposes of Rochester 2034. Rochester has a great story to tell and the entire community must work together to make sure it is heard. Our powerful message will foster the confidence of those who invest in our city, whether they are residents, workers, employers or visitors. Additionally, promoting city neighborhoods increases resident and investor confidence, thus creating positive effects on real estate markets, civic pride, and overall quality of life.

Smart City Innovations
In the face of a rapidly changing world, cities must integrate smart technology into their systems in order to better serve residents and enhance their competitiveness as regional centers. A smart city is a municipality that uses information and communication technologies to increase operational efficiency, share information with the public, and improve both the quality of government services and resident welfare. Rochester’s interdepartmental smart city team is critically examining City systems, particularly transportation and infrastructure, and implementing policies and processes that are more economical, more efficient, and more equitable for our residents.