What is Rochester 2034?
Rochester 2034 is a 15-year comprehensive plan to improve our community leading up to our 200th birthday. The Plan covers a wide variety of topics, from housing and transportation to economic growth and historic preservation. Each topic includes Goals and Strategies that are aligned with an overarching community Vision and set of Guiding Principles. Overall, the Plan presents a blueprint for growth and development, with several main themes carried throughout:
- Positioning Rochester for Growth
- Connecting Land-Use and Transportation
- Placemaking
- Social and Economic Equity
Rochester 2034 was officially adopted by City Council in November 2019. It has since received an award for comprehensive planning from the Upstate NY Chapter of the American Planning Association. It was also recognized by the Rochester Community Design Center for the Plan’s efforts to enhance the public realm and contribute to its vibrancy.
To view a video about Rochester 2034, click here.
Why 2034?
The year 2034 is fifteen years from this Plan’s adoption, which coincides with the City of Rochester’s 200th birthday. Therefore, this plan outlines who we want to become as a community at that monumental milestone and how we can achieve that vision!